Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Veritatis Carmen Explained

For my first blog post, I suppose I should probably explain the title Veritatis Carmen, which basically translates into English as “A Song about Truth.” Just as music communicates beauty mysteriously, without claiming to exhaust it, so this song will, I hope, identify and praise truth without presuming to capture and tame it. To paraphrase the Tao Te Ching, the truth that can be named is not the eternal truth; nevertheless one can try to write about truth.

My intention for this blog, as the title suggests, is to use it as a place to seek and celebrate truth. I invite you to send me questions you’d like me to try to answer, topics you’d like me to address, or suggestions for ways to improve. Mostly I’ll be writing about history, philosophy, biblical interpretation, and theology. Occasionally I may also write about opera or beer or politics. No matter what the subject, my goal will be to articulate something true about a portion of the universe and thus to praise the Author of all truth.


  1. I look forward to all that you are planning to reflect upon with an especially keen interest in your musings upon beer. I am sampling beers I've never drunk before here in Alexandria and enjoying it a lot. All the best to you as you start this new venture.

  2. Awesome!!!! So excited for this!!!!


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